Discover something new with Exclusive Books Homebru — because there’s no place like home, bru

Exclusive Books celebrates all things local in the rich world of SA literature

12 May 2024 - 00:00 By Advertorial

Homebru — the feeling of pride one gets when reading local books. The Exclusive Books Homebru campaign is an opportunity to spotlight the home-grown voices that are defining the South African literary landscape. With a selection fit to define, discover, and inspire, come along for the ride with all the different people, places and spaces that make up South African literature. This year, Homebru is a celebration of words: the unique and quintessentially South African words that bring us together, help us express ourselves and give us an avenue to tell our story. South Africans have always had a way with words, and while meanings may differ, we understand each other all the same. ..

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