Legends back in the game they love so much

28 June 2015 - 02:00 By LIAM DEL CARME

For some, professional rugby's afterlife is in the scrapyard. With 63 test caps between them, however, Quinton Davids, Bolla Conradie, Adrian Jacobs and McNeil Hendricks have another shot, not so much at redemption as restoring dignity.The game has left them behind, but thanks to a project which got much of its impetus through former Bok hooker and SA Rugby Legends coordinator Dale Santon, former professional athletes can become teachers in life orientation and physical education."We at the Legends have joined forces with Ismail Teladia at the Department of Education in the Western Cape, as well as Mervyn Green at the South African Rugby Union (Saru), who provided funding," Santon said about the project which has a dual purpose."There are a number of former Springboks and provincial players without work and not all of them are businessmen. They want to give back. What child does not want to be coached by a Springbok or even a provincial player?"When you stop playing a large part of your life is taken from you. You don't know what to do with yourself. As the Legends we try to provide a soft landing."Crucially, the project will expand to include soccer, cricket and volleyball. Former player Edries Burton has pledged support from the Soccer Legends.story_article_left1"We have 20 coaches who all qualified as level-two rugby coaches last year. Now they have to do the education part," said Santon.For Teladia the project is overdue. "Physical education is part of the life-orientation programme. Every learner in this country is supposed to engage in a hour of physical education a week. We unfortunately don't have specialist physical education people in our schools."When the restructuring happened the first people taken out of schools were the physical education specialists."When we did the physical education workshop I saw the opportunity," he said.It is hoped to roll out the project province-wide."The pilot project, however, will involve the district south area stretching from Hout Bay to Mitchells Plain, so it will cover Lavender Hill, Grassy Park, Gugulethu and Philippi."We have to reach 1400 schools. We will need a couple of hundred coaches."If it works we can draw more unemployed, enthusiastic people."Santon dreams about giving the project a national reach...

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