Joke's on us, not the Swedes

04 April 2010 - 02:00
By Dick Beaumont, KwaZulu-Natal

Dick Beaumont: I agree with all that was written in the article "Declare war on poverty with alms, not arms" (March 28) .

But what was not mentioned is that the money received by the South Africans, be it the ANC or any of the corrupt facilitators, consultants or whatever pseudonym is so often used, is not Swedish money.

It is our own money coming back. It is paid out of the excess profit the Swedes made when the deal was structured.

The funds are not realised from the normal profit made by a company doing ordinary deals - it is excessive profit the South African taxpayer has paid, which finds its way into the pockets of the corrupt few.

Why is it that so few South Africans understand this? Is it blind obedience to this country's rulers, and especially to the ANC?

Second, there is the matter of the offsets. Let those responsible tell us exactly which of the offsets have materialised, and exactly how many jobs have been created?