There is no God

30 May 2011 - 12:27
By Bruce Gorton

There is no God – isn’t it rather odd/ How that is said with despair/ Like a wound beyond repair/ When it sets us free?

This statement is taken as meaning

There is no need to help one another

Yet who is going to help us now

When there are none but each other?

There is no rod with which to prod

Those who do not agree

When what’s preached is hypocrisy

Is that such a flaw?

Isn’t it strange how with morality

It is those who are most sure of theirs

That do what they claim is most wrong

But then give themselves goodly airs?

There is this clod, doubt like mental sod

Upturned with ideas in my head

Overturned showing rooted thread

Asking is this all true?

You say he gives you a sense of right

But then I look at your behaviour

As you bully and lie, steal and kill

You say this of your claimed saviour?