DA the criminals, not hawkers: iLIVE

13 November 2012 - 02:02
By Dr EV Rapiti, Mitchells Plain

Last week, on my way to work, I was mortified to witness my favourite fruit vendor's stall in Mitchells Plain being torn down, apartheid-style, by a large contingent of policemen. There were 10 cop cars.

These police officers were absent in Bonteheuwel when 37 people were left homeless after gangsters set their dwellings alight.

I can hear officials arguing that the vendors violate the city's bylaws. If so, is it necessary to tear down their stalls with such cruelty?

Laws must take into account a number of factors before they are promulgated and passed.

Fruit vendors are cheaper than expensive chain stores - a boon to the struggling township communities.

Cape Town may look like a city in Europe in the leafy southern suburbs, but in the townships it is very much an overcrowded slum. Why consign people to a life of degradation and poverty because they cannot work in the formal sector?

It is insensitive of the DA to reduce hawkers to criminals .

Surely one solution would be to set up a huge, controlled market place in Mitchells Plain where small-time entrepreneurs can sell their wares.