WATCH: Wild dogs cheat cheetahs out of meal

26 April 2017 - 13:42
By TMG Digital
Three cheetahs get cheated by wild dogs.
Image: Kruger Sightings via YouTube Three cheetahs get cheated by wild dogs.

Video footage has been released that shows how three cheetahs got robbed at the Black Rhino Concession in the Pilanesberg last month.

Grand Fendick was driving through the concession when he came across the three brothers who had just taken down a wildebeest.

Unfortunately for the cheetahs, Fendick wasn't the only one in the area.

"We noticed how the cheetahs seemed very skittish and nervous, they had obviously sensed something was out of place," Fendick told latest sightings.

Then Fendick saw the approaching pack of wild dogs, who clearly had noticed the cheetahs at the kill and realised this would be an easy meal.

The wild dogs chased the cheetahs off the wildebeast and brutally tore the meal to pieces.

"We were so blessed to be at this sighting. It was life changing. It had taken us 15 years to see the wild dogs in Pilanesberg," Fendick said.