Murdered IFP councillor had jumped ship

17 February 2011 - 13:16
By Sapa

The Imbabazane Municipality councillor killed on Wednesday evening had just jumped ship from the Inkatha Freedom Party to the National Freedom Party, the leader of the breakaway NFP said.

“Duma Mcebisi recently announced publicly that he was moving to our party. We may not rule his move as one of possible reasons why he was killed,” said NFP leader Zanele Magwaza-Msibi.

She said she was extremely worried about violence perpetrated against her party members.

“Three people have already been killed in Uthukela and some were seriously injured. Two other people were attacked in Gauteng on Sunday,” she said.

NFP was formed in January after Magwaza-Msibi and other IFP leaders had a fallout with the IFP.

According to police reports, Mcebisi was shot dead in Ntabamhlophe on Wednesday evening. He was an IFP ward councillor until he crossed to the NFP.

“On Wednesday at around 6pm, Mcebisi, 32, was travelling in his vehicle in Ntabamhlophe Road in Imbabazane Municipality when he was attacked,” said Director Phindile Radebe.

Mcebisi was shot in his upper body and he died at the scene, she said.

The police recovered R5 cartridges and the Toyota Corolla believed to have been used by the gunmen.

“He (Mcebisi) was in possession of a pistol. It is believed he may have fired at the attackers to defend himself,” said Radebe.

“The political violence team is investigating. Motive is not known but we may not rule out the possibility of political violence.”

The incident took place barely three weeks after Simon Shange, an IFP councillor in eNdulinde in eShowe was found dead. He was found dead after leaving home with two men. Two men were arrested in connection with his death.