Mpumalanga school still has no working toilets, roof: report

11 April 2012 - 11:07
By Sapa

A primary school near Weltevrede, in Mpumalanga, has been asking the education department for a new roof and decent toilet facilities since August 2010, according to a newspaper report on Wednesday.

Blackboard. File photo.
Blackboard. File photo.
Blackboard. File photo.
Blackboard. File photo.

A storm destroyed the roof of the kitchen, library and a classroom at the Vumazonke primary school in the Kosini settlement, the Beeld reported.

"We have been begging the department to help us fix the roof since August 2010," said the school's deputy headmistress Numvula Mabhoko.

According to the report, the department had told the school there was no money, and that it should collect money from their community for repairs.

"Our community has no money," Mabhoko told Beeld.

She said pupils were being crammed into the remaining four classrooms, with up to 52 children in a room.

The school also had no working toilets, and pupils and teachers had to walk to a neighbouring school to use the facilities.

The education department did not respond to a request for comment.