World's most costly burger

30 July 2013 - 02:12
By Staff reporter
Image: ©Valentyn Volkov/

The world's most expensive beefburger is about to be served in London next week - and it's not even made of real beef.

The £250 000 (R3 771 100) "test tube" burger has been grown in the lab using the stem cells of a slaughtered cow, according to

It will be made up of 3 000 granules of beef, each the size of a grain of rice.

Professor Mark Post, a medical physiologist at Maastricht University, in Holland, has spent two years developing the "in vitro" burger, which he believes could help save the environment and prevent a food crisis.

Stem cells from one animal could be used to make a million times more meat than is possible from a single cow.