Shameful way to treat job seekers

17 January 2014 - 03:13
By MK Marumo, Savannah Hills
Metro police. File photo
Image: Gallo Images Metro police. File photo

I was shocked to read the article "Metro job seekers 'conned"' (yesterday).

How many graduates are out there with no means to even send a job application due to lack of resources but we continue to hear stories of money requested from the needy people.

It is sad and disturbing that more than 30000 applicants came forward for 50 posts.

I can understand the issue of a medical examination, but this should apply only to those who have been selected.

My question is, where does the R250 of each of the poor 29950 go?

A total of R75-million from the poor's pockets went down the drain in the name of finding employment.

We need radical change in how we treat our brothers and sisters. Remember that poverty is one of the major contributors to crime.

We cannot allow our country to continue to draw a line between the rich and the poor. We need interventions that will close the gap that the municipality is creating by sucking the poor dry.

The SA Municipal Workers' Union and other role-players need to intervene in this regard to avoid what the Johannesburg Metro Police Department is doing with desperate job seekers.