Money is a drag, but we're a happy lot

23 July 2014 - 16:30
By Juliette Saunders

Eight of every 10 South Africans are happy, according to the latest Ipsos Global Trends Report.

South Africans characterizing themselves as happy came in at 83%, behind the Swedes (88%), Canadians (86%) and Australians (85%).

Only 44% of South Africans polled were happy with their standard of living though, and 56% said they were “dissatisfied with my life because I can't afford much financially”.

The survey also showed that:

  • 66% of online South Africans feel pressure to make money and be successful;
  • 22% believe that they have done everything in their life that they are capable of
  • 84% think that women should have the same rights as men and the same power as men.

The Times will be carrying a full report on this tomorrow.