Disaster brings out best

06 March 2015 - 03:16
By Narendh Ganesh, Durban North
HANDS FULL: Fireman Kino October taking strain
HANDS FULL: Fireman Kino October taking strain

As incendiary destruction pillaged our fairest Cape with the worst fires in its history, Helen Moffett's article ("Things we lost - and gained - in the fire", yesterday) rekindles a sense of hope that there is much good in this country.

In rare moments of light amid darkness, patriotism and humanness was evident. Her line "humanity at its best" reflects what South Africa needs - and got.

Men and women of goodwill rallied around their fellow brethren as adversity overwhelmed many. Strangers assumed the kindred spirit and helped those in harm's way, tirelessly and relentlessly.

Through all the negatives we witness daily, this event was not so much "paradise lost" as it was "humanity regained", and it is heartwarming to know there are caring people here.

While "Rome burned", the Cape became a place of "good hope". To those unsung heroes who risked life and limb and to those who brought comfort to the many victims with help of provisions, bravo, bravo. You make me proud.