WATCH: Trevor Noah educates America on why SA condoms 'sound like a vuvuzela’

09 September 2016 - 18:07
By Staff Reporter

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa's now famous condom speech in Parliament has gone international as part of The Daily Show.

Answering questions in the National Assembly last week, Cyril Ramaphosa said that the old government issued condoms "did not smell so well and made a noise whenever it was used".

The new condoms are designed for "maximum pleasure and maximum protection". Aside from being quieter, Ramaphosa highlighted that the condoms also come in fruity flavours like grape or apple.


As Congress in America faces budgetary gridlock in the fight against Zika,  Daily Show host Trevor Noah turned to Parliament to see how his home country battles epidemics.

Skip to 04:00 for the bit about South Africa: