Man gets life for raping stepdaughter of 12 in front of toddler aged three

The man took the children to a kraal just outside their township in the North West where he raped his stepdaughter

22 February 2023 - 20:13
By Rorisang Kgosana
A man was sentenced at the Schweizer Reneke Regional Court for raping his stepdaughter, aged 12, in front of her three-year-old sibling. File photo.
Image: 123RF/Allan Swart A man was sentenced at the Schweizer Reneke Regional Court for raping his stepdaughter, aged 12, in front of her three-year-old sibling. File photo.

A man is to serve a life sentence for raping his stepdaughter, 12, in front of her three-year-old sister in North West.

The 36-year-old man, whom TimesLIVE is not naming to protect the identity of his stepdaughter, was sentenced by the Schweizer-Reneke regional court on Wednesday. 

The court  also found him unfit to possess a firearm.

In December 2017, the man took the girl and her little sister from Ipelegeng township to a kraal just outside the area without their mother's consent, said NPA regional spokesperson Henry Mamothame.

“Upon arrival, the younger sibling was asleep and [he] took his jersey off and let her sleep on it. He subsequently ordered the 12-year-old to undress but she refused and attempted to escape,” Mamothame said.

He managed to catch his victim and moved her to a different location within the kraal, where he raped her.

But the three-year-old was awake and witnessed her sister’s ordeal, said Mamothame.

“The siblings were let go and upon arriving home, the younger sister relayed the story to the grandmother as her sister was crying hysterically. She was, however, also able to corroborate what her sibling relayed to her grandmother,” he said.

The mother was out searching for her children and was given the news when she returned. She confronted the stepfather who denied raping the child, said Mamothame.

“When he was asked to accompany them to the hospital for the child to receive a medical check-up, he fled. The matter was reported to the police and the man was arrested two weeks later. The court denied him bail.”

State prosecutor Mpho Sephapo urged the court not to deviate from the minimum prescribed sentence of life imprisonment as the accused had abused the trust of the victim, who saw him as a father figure.

“In passing sentence, magistrate Patricia Rangwako agreed with the state and further remarked that the accused showed no remorse. She condemned the accused for committing the offence in front of a three-year-old,” Mamothame said.

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