Multi-million rand Kalawa Jazmee hub in the pipeline

31 May 2017 - 16:46
By TshisaLIVE

Oskido's Kalawa Jazmee record label is planning to develop a massive music hub on a piece of land bought for just R200,000 back in 1994.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE on Wednesday, Oskido outlined the grand plans the label had for the hub, including accommodation, offices, an academy, a hall and several studios.

He gave fans a glimpse of the massive land on which the hub will be built in an Instagram video.


Oskido revealed that the property in Glen Austin, Midrand was bought by him and his business partners in 1994 for R200,000. He refused to say how much it was worth today but revealed that it would sell for "easily over 4/5 million rand".

Oskido said the land was important to the company and the projects that would be built on it would be a legacy to the label.

"The projects will cost many millions over a number of years but it is important to do because this is the home of Kalawa Jazmee. Besides developing the future of the label through the academy we are going to build, we are telling the story of our history.

"It is a story of a group of young kids who invested in their dreams and built a record label. This is the story of what democracy gave us," he explained.