It was all a stunt! Marriage isn't in Gigi Lamayne's near future

12 June 2017 - 17:12
By TshisLIVE
Gigi Lamayne is not getting married,
Image: SUPPLIED Gigi Lamayne is not getting married,

Rapper Gigi Lamayne has come out to set the record straight on the 'engagement' that was just part of an elaborate PR stunt.

So if you were among those who fell for the stunt, Gigi is here to set a few things straight.

Speaking to The DJ Fresh Breakfast team the rapper said that getting married does not even fit into her five year plan.

"It was just a publicity stunt. Everybody knows that I am a young feminist who believes in getting my ducks in a row before committing to something that big," she said.

Gigi added that she is only 22 years old, and that marriage does not fit into her plans.

"I'm only 22 and I'm not looking to get married even by 25," she added.

The rapper also took to social media to reiterate her statements.  "Public Service Announcement: proud to announce that I am Very Single and Not Engaged!" she said.

The PR stunt was to promote Gigi and Maraza's single Lobola.