A dishonest tale by an EFF apparatchik

DA MP Mat Cuthbert responds to Makhudu Sefara’s column last week

19 May 2024 - 00:00 By Mat Cuthbert

Makhudu Sefara’s invective-laden diatribe in the Sunday Times (https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/opinion-and-analysis/opinion/2024-05-12-burning-flag-is-a-symptom-of-a-party-of-white-men-going-off-the-railss/#:~:text=So%20the%20saga%20involving%20the,new%20flag%20represents%20for%20us.) last week (“Burning flag a symptom of a party of white men off the rails”) demonstrates the extent to which EFF ideology has become embedded in certain segments of the mainstream media...

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