Two decomposing bodies were recovered from the bottom of a waterfall in KwaZulu-Natal today.
Image: 123RF/leksele
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The decomposed bodies of two men were recovered from the foot of the Hammarsdale Falls, west of Durban, on Wednesday, with leg irons attached to the ankle of one body.

Police spokesperson Capt Nqobile Gwala said members of Durban Search and Rescue were called to the scene on Tuesday, but because of the treacherous terrain, the recovery was not possible.

An army helicopter was called in to recover the bodies on Wednesday morning.

Today at 5.45am, the decomposed bodies of two men were recovered. The circumstances surrounding the incident are being investigated,” Gwala said 

A source close to the investigation said leg irons were attached to an ankle on one of the bodies.

Gwala said Hammarsdale police  have opened an inquest docket for investigation.


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