Scientists and NGOs working on HIV/Aids programmes across South Africa are in limbo as they wait for the US government to clarify whether their ...
Most of the candidates who wrote IEB exams in 2024 had just started grade 8 when SA’s first case of Covid-19 was detected in March 2020
Most pupils are still struggling to master basic maths, science and reading skills, according to an international study released on Wednesday.
Trade union’s case devoid of merit and reflects ‘discriminatory and elitist ethos’
Sassa’s ICT systems are vulnerable to attack, report presented to parliament reveals.
Sahpra has identified websites offering illegal sales of products that claim to be versions of Ozempic and Mounjaro
Medical Protection Society survey participants draw attention to the stigma surrounding mental health conditions
In a case within a case, President Cyril Ramaphosa's legal team argued the matter should have gone to the top court.
Nedlac task team expected to hold its first meeting on the bill next week
Six children ingested an organophosphate registered for agricultural use.