Sanral charging triple e-toll rates: iLIVE

27 January 2014 - 16:46
By Alessandra
An e-toll gantry.
Image: Daniel Born An e-toll gantry.

I have received an invoice of triple the amount of the standard e-toll rate (as per your article).

I am a non e-toll user, thus I assumed I would pay the standard rate as per the e-toll calculator – I was not aware of the triple rate. 

I did not receive any photographs of my passing the gantries - only the listings of dates and times when I passed them.

I find it shocking that Sanral has advised the seven-day payment period when they know our postage system is horrific.

Also, I use a PO Box address and don't check it on a daily basis (who does?), so because I check it on a weekly basis, I'm already screwed...

The most interesting thing that I have noticed though (once I started researching the triple rate), is that on Sanral's website they say that if you do not pay within the seven-day grace period, you are labelled an 'alternative user' who pays standard rates.

Yes, standard rates and not triple standard rates!

Below is exactly from their website:

"If e-toll transactions are not paid within the seven day grace period (the Grace Period is the time frame which a road user has in which to pay their outstanding fees. The Grace Period is 7 days from the time of your transaction), these transactions are handed over to the the Violations Processing Centre (VPC).

The overdue e-toll transactions will increase to the Alternative user (An alternate user is a user who does not qualify for any discounts at the time of an e-toll transaction and will pay standard e-toll tariff rates. An alternate user is identified at the time of the e-toll transaction by an e-tag or a VLN or by both where applicable) e-toll tariffs and the discounts will be forfeited.

A debt collection and prosecution process will commence."

Hence, I do not understand where Sanral gets off invoicing three times the standard rate to anyone!