The Big Read: The Comrades are on the run

"They've jogged past Mangaung! They've slogged through Polokwane! They've sidestepped Nkandla! And now it's the final sprint towards the Union Buildings! Bob, incredible drama here in the closing stages of the 2017 Comrades' Marathon!"
"Steve, absolutely. What a race it's been this."
"Sorry, Bob, a correction: the Comrades have asked us not to call it a 'race'. Apparently they prefer to keep that word in their arsenal until just before election time."
"Well, it's been a helluva marathon, Steve, and picking a winner is going to be a game of Russian roulette."
"You mean it's still wide open?"
"No, I mean the winner is going to be decided in Russia over a roulette table."
"I think you're confusing this with the American electoral system. But never mind, these are covfefe times."
"Nice use of an internet buzzword to make our commentary more hip for the Millennials, Bob."
"Anything to woo the youth, Steve. Which raises the question: does 75-year-old Zuma have what it takes to go all the way, or will Ramaphosa time his kick just right and surge past at the line?"
"Bob, Zuma has been working with some amazing international coaches. As you know, he's been part of the Gupta stable for a few years now, and they've reportedly done an incredible job training him to respond to basic commands - sit, stay, roll over, appoint this person as deputy minister - but you have to say that he's going to struggle, especially because he's carrying Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma on his back."
"Let's see if we can get some footage of - oh, there they are, he's battling on, she's got her arms and legs round him, she's urging him on with mumbled policy statements, but Steve, he's gotta be feeling this right now. I mean, those legs are literally going to be on fire."
"From your mouth to God's ears, Bob. Oh, I'm hearing we've got to take a quick word from our sponsors."
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"Welcome back, folks. Some great footage coming in now, that's, er, oh, OK, that's Gwede Mantashe, with that distinctive way of running in a circle."
"Interesting technique, Bob. He's always made it very clear that he has never run this marathon and will never run it, except for the times when he has run it, and might still run it. He says he's especially looking forward to the up-run which will give him the opportunity to excel in the down-run, which is his preferred race."
"Sounds like he's on tik, Steve. But then most of the Comrades are, am I right?"
"Absolutely, Bob. And speaking of which, I asked a couple of them this morning about why they still call each other 'Comrade'. I mean, 'Comrade' is a term appropriated from the Soviet Union, which we all know ended in total economic collapse and ushered in a new era of authoritarian kleptocracy."
"What did they say?"
"They said, 'Yep, sounds about right'."
"OK, a lovely aerial shot right now of the pack heading up the Long Climb Towards 2019."
"Bob, always a taxing hill. Although you're aware of the current controversy around this route, a lot of people demanding that the Comrades get routed up and over Polly Graph."
"I think we'd all love to see them tackle a Polly Graph type of challenge, Steve, but of course the fear is that nobody would get past a Polly Graph and we'd have to call the whole thing off."
"The Comrades is tough enough as it stands, Bob. Already some big names dropping out of the running. Baleka Mbete, veering off course, endlessly repeating that she didn't recognise the route. Brian Molefe, starting strongly, then retiring in tears, then getting dropped off by bakkie at the halfway point and claiming he'd never left."
"Steve, any chance of an upset from an outsider? Julius Malema is looking fighting fit these days. And how about Mmusi Maimane?"
"Bob, I don't have high hopes. Julius wants to nationalise the route and lease small chunks of it to each runner to grow potatoes on, and Mmusi, well, that story is just pathetic."
"Yes, sad scenes at the start line. When Helen Zille got both feet wedged in her mouth we thought Maimane was a shoo-in, but who could have guessed he'd grab the starter pistol and shoot himself in both feet?"
"Bob, this is being broadcast by the SABC, which means we've got to cut away from the action for absolutely no reason, but before we go, any final thoughts?"
"Steve, these Comrades are going to lay everything on the line. Remember, the winner gets that beautiful gold medal, plus a blank cheque signed by Treasury. If I was a Gupta right now, I'd be on the edge of the servant I use as a seat, chewing the nails of the servant I pay to chew my nails. This ain't over. Not by a long shot."