It is obvious that the levels of unemployment and accumulation of rubbish in our country are growing at an alarming rate. A simple start to tackling both issues is to pay the unemployed to keep the streets, open areas and beaches clean and attractive.
The advantages: a cleaner, more attractive country for tourists and residents and the unemployed earning a wage that is not a handout.
However, finding a municipality with the will, skill and efficiency to plan and execute such an enterprise would be a major challenge.
Candida Scott
• You too can join the discussion. Send your thoughts to Please keep your letters to 350 words or less. Include your name, contact number and where you are writing us from. Letters will be edited before publication. While we appreciate your feedback, submissions that don’t adhere to our comment policy will not be considered.
LETTER | Pay the unemployed to keep the streets clean
Municipalities must empower people while they seek employment
It is obvious that the levels of unemployment and accumulation of rubbish in our country are growing at an alarming rate. A simple start to tackling both issues is to pay the unemployed to keep the streets, open areas and beaches clean and attractive.
The advantages: a cleaner, more attractive country for tourists and residents and the unemployed earning a wage that is not a handout.
However, finding a municipality with the will, skill and efficiency to plan and execute such an enterprise would be a major challenge.
Candida Scott
• You too can join the discussion. Send your thoughts to Please keep your letters to 350 words or less. Include your name, contact number and where you are writing us from. Letters will be edited before publication. While we appreciate your feedback, submissions that don’t adhere to our comment policy will not be considered.