Aptly titled “May Your Wishes Come True”, the plane features a number of beloved Disney characters such as the Black Panther, Moana and Frozen's Elsa.
A new character, Asha, from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ upcoming Wish, also makes an appearance. The Disney-inspired plane (tail number ZS-GAS) will appear in South African skies and at airports from October 20 and service routes between Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.
WATCH | Disney takes to SA's skies with Lift
Disney X and Lift bring festive cheer for air travellers
Image: Supplied
Celebrating 100 years of animated film magic, Disney has taken to new heights in honouring its cinematic history. The brand has partnered with hip new South African airline Lift to pimp one of its rides.
Aptly titled “May Your Wishes Come True”, the plane features a number of beloved Disney characters such as the Black Panther, Moana and Frozen's Elsa.
A new character, Asha, from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ upcoming Wish, also makes an appearance. The Disney-inspired plane (tail number ZS-GAS) will appear in South African skies and at airports from October 20 and service routes between Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.
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