My best travel experience was my first trip to Las Vegas. I was blown away by the sheer scale of the productions out there. It is also my one place in the world that I think everyone should see before they die. The Liberace Museum is astounding.
My worst trip ever was my first trip to South Africa. Work permits hadn’t been properly arranged so I had to fly to Hamburg for four days while they sorted it out.
I’m not an adventurous eater when I travel. I’m mainly vegetarian, so I would never be tempted to try anything like ostrich, crocodile or polar bear.
A memorable restaurant I ate in overseas was a fantastic place in Rhodes, Greece, called Wonder. Amazing staff, atmosphere, location, food and price. It was the perfect dining experience.
The one thing I always make sure I do on holiday is moisturise.
When travelling, I am a sucker for duty-free.
Australia has the most welcoming, friendly locals. I didn’t particularly enjoy the locals in Jamaica. No specific problems personally but the crime statistics made me wary.
My perfect holiday involves sunshine, champagne and sex.
My best holiday ever was the Seychelles. It was also my most relaxing.
Favourite hotels? I love visiting the Mount Nelson in Cape Town for afternoon tea.
Celeb Travels
Sunshine, champagne & sex: a holiday trifecta for drag star Ceri Dupree
The UK's leading female impersonator on why Las Vegas was his best travel experience — and why South Africa was his worst
Image: Supplied
Three words that describe my travel personality are organised, interested and sociable.
I grew up in Wales and we would often go to Bournemouth, a lovely seaside town on the south coast of England, for our holidays. The thing I remember most about those holidays is my wonderful, enthusiastic parents, who planned an activity for us every single day, which is how I live my life now.
My first trip abroad was to Sitges, Spain, just outside Barcelona. I remember the wonderful atmosphere, the constant sunshine and the delicious food. Coincidentally it was also my last trip abroad, as I took my show there.
Image: ivantagan /
The most difficult destination I’ve ever been to was Tenerife, Spain. The beach seemed dirty and there was no atmosphere. Not my vibe at all.
A bizarre thing that’s happened on my holidays was getting recognised on top of Table Mountain by a couple who were visiting Cape Town as part of a cruise. They had seen my show back in Leicester, UK.
I have one heck of a story from when I went to Italy. It started when I arrived and was met by the show producer at the airport, who promptly shook my hand, had a heart attack and died. The devil is in the details so you’ll have to wait for my book for the full story.
My hometown is Swansea, Wales. If I were hosting a visitor there, I’d take them to The Grand Theatre, where I first experienced the theatre by seeing a pantomime and where I now have my “birthday” show every year. I'd also show them our fabulous beaches and Joe’s Ice Cream Parlour ... delicious!
Image: kobby_dagan /
My best travel experience was my first trip to Las Vegas. I was blown away by the sheer scale of the productions out there. It is also my one place in the world that I think everyone should see before they die. The Liberace Museum is astounding.
My worst trip ever was my first trip to South Africa. Work permits hadn’t been properly arranged so I had to fly to Hamburg for four days while they sorted it out.
I’m not an adventurous eater when I travel. I’m mainly vegetarian, so I would never be tempted to try anything like ostrich, crocodile or polar bear.
A memorable restaurant I ate in overseas was a fantastic place in Rhodes, Greece, called Wonder. Amazing staff, atmosphere, location, food and price. It was the perfect dining experience.
The one thing I always make sure I do on holiday is moisturise.
When travelling, I am a sucker for duty-free.
Australia has the most welcoming, friendly locals. I didn’t particularly enjoy the locals in Jamaica. No specific problems personally but the crime statistics made me wary.
My perfect holiday involves sunshine, champagne and sex.
My best holiday ever was the Seychelles. It was also my most relaxing.
Favourite hotels? I love visiting the Mount Nelson in Cape Town for afternoon tea.
Image: Belmond Hotels
One tourist attraction that surprised me was the Eiffel Tower. I didn’t expect it to be so big.
I think a common misconception about South Africa that people have overseas is that lions, elephants and zebras run through the streets, and also that crime is through the roof, which is obviously not the case.
My ultimate bucket-list destination is Los Angeles, the home of an amazing costume designer called Pete Menefee.
• Ceri Dupree, the UK’s leading female impersonator, is on stage at Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre until September 29 with ''The Ladies I Love'. Expect glamour, glitter and laughter galore as he impersonates some of the most iconic women in the world, including Queen Camilla, Joan Collins, Marlene Dietrich and Lady Gaga. Tickets available here.
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