Young boy critical after falling from train in KZN
A seven-year-old boy was critically injured on Wednesday afternoon when he fell from a train near the Devilwood Train Station in the Shongweni Valley near Durban in Kwazulu-Natal‚ paramedics said. Netcare 911 spokesman Chris Botha said reports from the scene indicated that the doors of the train had been blocked from closing and the young boy‚ who was travelling to school‚ was standing in the doorway as the train hurtled down the line.“As the train entered a tunnel it caused the child to be sucked out from the train. He hit his head against the concrete and fell to the ground‚” Botha said.“With severe injuries to the head the child bravely managed to grab his school tie and strap his head back together. He then tried to crawl out of the tunnel to get help. As luck would have it a group of off-road bikers went for a ride in the rural area and found the critically injured boy lying next to the tracks. “The bikers put a call out to SA Can who immediately dispatched Netcare 911 paramedics and their rescue unit‚” Botha added.He said paramedics had to travel for kilometres through the sugar cane fields to get to the child along very treacherous roads.“Paramedics stabilised the critically injured boy at the scene and realised that the roadway was too bad to try and transport the child by ambulance. The Red Cross Helicopter was called in and the skilled pilot had to navigate her way through a very tricky area to land at the scene. The child was then airlifted to a specialised hospital in Durban for the care that he required.”..
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