Fresh allegations against Danny Jordaan

As soccer boss Danny Jordaan maintains his silence following claims by singer Jennifer Ferguson that he raped her, new allegations have surfaced that he failed to act against a sex-pest employee.
The senior South African Football Association official at the centre of the scandal was accused of sexually propositioning a 22-year-old male intern on two occasions in 2014. He was also accused of raping a male caterer at a Safa Christmas party in 2015.And while Safa this week claimed action had been taken, it refused to give further details.
A source close to the 2014 incident claimed this week that Jordaan, president of Safa, had halted a disciplinary hearing against the official, telling the association’s legal team that the incidents had not happened on Safa premises and they therefore had no case to pursue. This was despite initially promising the mother of one of the victims that he would report it.
The official said he and Jordaan were “close” but denied the Safa president had ever protected him.
• Read the full story on the on the Sunday Times website