Sega is finally considering making a Dreamcast Mini console

There’s been a trend in video game hardware over the past two years that’s easy to sum up: nostalgia, but repackaged in a more compact form. We’ve seen NES, SNES, Sega Megadrive and PlayStation classic consoles, breathing new life into games from another age.
One console that fans have dying to see reimagined and given a second chance? Sega’s ill-fated Dreamcast console.
Back when Sega was still a major contender against the likes of Nintendo and that new kid on the block Sony, it was facing a tough time. The Sega Saturn hadn’t done too well, as the PlayStation had utterly trounced it in the sales department and nobody seemed interested in acquiring their underrated slab of hot Plassic. Sega had one last chance to win back hearts and minds, and in 1998 they went all in with the Dreamcast.
It failed. Sega was reduced to a brand that merely trotted out new games based on its most famous mascots and the Dreamcast faded into the history books.
While the story of how Sega got so much right and wrong with that console is left for another day, the Dreamcast is still looked at through rose-tinted glasses as an underrated piece of technology. So where’s the mini version?
Sega Dreamcast - "What is inside"
This article was brought to you by Critical Hit.