Tri-force of 'Space Marine' trailers accompany demo

26 August 2011 - 11:30
By afprelaxnews

THQ really, really wants you to try out the demo for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine on Xbox 360, PC or PlayStation 3 - so much so that there are three announcement trailers for the trial download.

Though the Warhammer 40k brand has been around as a tabletop game since 1987, Space Marine enters video gaming as a David to Gears of War 3's Goliath, a well-established series with a devoted following and also releasing in September.

Another problem faced by Space Marine is the memory of the generally disappointing Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior.

In its favor is the fact that it's developed by Relic Entertainment, which is responsible for Warhammer 40,000's well-received strategy games on PC.

Perhaps not the most obvious choice of developer for a brutal brawler, a solid third-person shooter, but THQ is confident enough to pull in Tricia Helfer ( Battlestar Galactica) and Lance Henrikson ( Aliens) to help promote the demo.

Space Marine demo announcement 1:
Space Marine demo announcement 2 with Tricia Helfer and Lance Henrikson:
Space Marine demo gameplay trailer: