iSimangaliso marks World Rhino Day

22 September 2015 - 18:37 By Times LIVE
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Image: Gallo Images/ Thinkstock

Today is World Rhino day - with events highlighting the plight of the animals taking place all across the world.

The Department of Environmental Affairs Deputy Minister Barbara Thomson presided over one such event at the iSimangaliso’s Lake St Lucia Estuary with the park's CEO Andrew Zaloumis and representatives of dozens of partner organisations, local leadership, non-government organisations, land claimants, school children, tourism business owners and media.


According to a media statement Thomson praised the children present, saying, “the youth, as the moral, economic, political and thought leaders of tomorrow, are key in the battle that is being fought. They are the future conservation leaders and the generation that will influence the continued existence of legal and illegal wildlife markets, this contributing to a decline in the consumption, and demand for rhino horn”.


Zaloumis meanwhile highlighted the importance of the park in the struggle to maintain rhino populations, “As one of the most significant rhino populations on the African continent, we take our role with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife as custodians of our heritage very seriously”.


“Herbert said that the key to change was in the hands of our children. We knew we had to make his dream a reality."

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