This pride of lions tried for five hours to hunt and kill an old bull giraffe knowing if they did they'd have a feast fit for a king.
At times it appeared as if the giraffe was giving the pride a lift through the bush.
Safari guide Francois Pienaar captured his best sighting ever last week in the Klaserie Game Reserve. He told the story.
"On our early morning game drive, we found a pride of lions sleeping, as they usually do.
"My guests and I were watching them sleep, never expecting I was about to see the best sighting in my guiding career! While on our way following the lions, they spotted a very old giraffe bull unaware that a pride of lions had their eyes set on him.
"After about 20 minutes of stalking, the chase was on! We raced in behind the lions to see the action happening and hoping the lions would catch the big animal and bring it down," Pienaar said.
"As we tried to stay with these lions we saw some of the individuals grab at the giraffe's legs and one female jumping on the back of the giraffe. With a big struggle, and to our amazement, the lions finally got the giraffe to a stop and still trying to bring it to the ground.
"The old bull giraffe, fighting to stay standing, managed to throw the lions off his back and fought his way out by trying to stomp on the lions."
"After about five hours the lions finally gave up and the old bull lived to see another day," Pienaar said.