Thirteen dogs illegally being taken to Angola were rescued by police at the Cape Town International Airport, according to a report on Tuesday.
The Cape Times reported that two men from Angola were arrested in a sting operation on Monday, and faced charges of theft.
Their export documents were incomplete and their passports were false.
Captain Frederick van Wyk said eight dogs were found in the cargo section at the airport and five dogs in the baggage hall. They were found in small crates and luggage bags.
Global animal welfare consultant Mariette Hopley said the confiscated dogs were being kept at a safe house and would be handed over to an animal welfare organisation before attempts were made to find their owners.
Hopley told the newspaper that 80 dogs had been rescued from a dog smuggling syndicate since August.
The dogs were mainly Alsatians, Rottweilers, German Shepherds and Boerboels.
The puppies were apparently being sold for about R10,000 each and the adult dogs for R25,000 each in Namibia, Angola and Zimbabwe.