Bikers, it's your turn to face up to the law.
Western Cape authorities first targeted motorists talking on cellphones while driving, then sought to improve road safety for cyclists.
Now the province is mulling traffic regulations to prevent motorcyclists weaving between cars.
"I'm contemplating a regulation that will prohibit them from riding between the lanes -- because that is where they die," Robin Carlisle, Western Cape transport MEC, said yesterday.
"Motorcyclists will have to consider themselves as vehicles on the road. They have to find space to overtake before getting back into their lane."
"I'm not saying we are going to implement, but I'm thinking about it," Carlisle said.
He yesterday revealed that 84 motorcyclists died in road accidents in December compared to 64 in December 2008.
There were 236 road fatalities on Western Cape roads between December 1 and January 31.
Carlisle said there were five deaths a day in December.
"Passengers overtook pedestrians as the leading class of fatalities in that period. This immediately alerted us to a serious, and deadly, lack of seat-belt compliance."
Three cyclists died in road accidents in December and two in January.
Last year, Carlisle announced that he would issue a regulation requiring that all vehicles overtaking cyclists must ensure that there was 1.5m between them.
Provincial authorities launched several more awareness initiatives during the festive season, including giving a R50000 reward to two fine-free motorists, and screening long-distance drivers for fatigue and forcing them to rest before proceeding with their journey.