FHM suspends two writers for Facebook rape comments

16 July 2013 - 19:20
By Sapa

Two writers at men's magazine FHM have been suspended for making comments about correctional rape on Facebook.

"FHM was horrified to learn of the incredibly offensive comments made by two of our staff members on their private Facebook pages," editor Brendan Cooper told the City Press.

"These comments in no way reflect FHM's values. The opinions expressed are hurtful and deeply offensive and entirely unacceptable to FHM's management."

He said immediate disciplinary action would be taken against the magazine's features editor, Max Barashenkov, and editorial assistant Montle Moorosi.

A status updated posted on Barashenkov's Facebook page started a social media storm on Tuesday.

The update read: "I propose correctional rape and sterilisation for any white person who twerks."

To twerk is to dance by vigorously shaking your bottom.

One of Barashenkov's female friend's rebuked him saying correctional rape should never be condoned.

Moorosi then commented: "I think rape can be quite fun if executed in a romantic manner. Like saying ‘I love you' before you slip a roofie [Rohypnol, a sedative] in her Earl Grey tea."

Facebook friends derided the comments to which Barashenkov replied: "I myself was a victim of correctional rape, so I can make jokes about it."

Cooper said: "They're actually nice boys. But having these comments linked to my brand (has) me absolutely furious."