VW drivers voted country's worst road hogs

02 October 2013 - 02:09

If you drive a Volkswagen and live in Gauteng, maybe you should watch your road manners.

Johannesburg is the worst city to drive in, according to Roadhogs - a free internet service that enables motorists to report bad driving.

Volkswagen drivers were the most hated, incurring 18% of the complaints against motorists on the site.

Nearly half of the site's users rated Johannesburg as the worst city for motorists, whereas Pretoria got off lightly with only 15% of the vote.

Cape Town received 13% of the vote and Durban 3%.

Volkswagen drivers were tailed in the hate stakes by Toyota drivers (15%), BMW drivers (14%) and Merc drivers (7%).

Surprisingly, taxis received only 5% of the complaints.

The drivers of Audis and Fords (both 4%), Mazdas (3%) and Hondas (2%) received the lowest number of complaints.

Web developer Gary Mailich created Roadhogs in 2000 after his car was damaged in a road rage incident.

"I lived overseas before and was not used to the roads here.

"So when some guy cut me off one day, I showed him the finger," Mailich said.

"He responded by following me, cutting me off again, stopping his car and coming up to mine. I immediately locked my door but he kicked it, swore at me and then left."

Mailich said it was safer for motorists to vent their anger online than to erupt on the road.

Most of the complaints on the website are about speeding, jumping red robots or stop signs, and cutting-off.

Justice Project SA chairman Howard Dembovsky said statements made by disgruntled or concerned drivers could lead to the successful prosecution of road offenders.

"Drivers will be more inclined to behave and be more cautious if they know that they are being monitored," he said.