Let's all camp together

18 November 2013 - 02:01
By Elizabeth du Plessis, Ennerdale

Twenty years into democracy and we still think in terms of "us" and "them".

I have not heard any political party talk about how they will build our nation into one race. If we still see ourselves as white, coloured, Indian, black and so on, we confine ourselves to a small space. This affects our thinking because we tend to take care of our own.

However, when we see ourselves as South Africans first, we reach out to one another, regardless of colour.

The sin of apartheid was to separate us in terms of colour and economically and socially. And we are still divided.

Whenever a race issue arises, we go back to our camps of "us" and "them", exposing the deep-rooted sin of apartheid in all of us.

Nelson Mandela tried to bring the divided races together and show them a new vision - South African. Let us fight for it .