Quick visit for flash star
Cape Town-born actress Lesley-Ann Brandt has taken time off from reading her lines and hobnobbing with stars Gabrielle Union and Damian Wayans to visit home.
But the star, of Spartacus fame, is not just here to take in the sights of the Mother City, she's primarily here to gather further material for her coming documentary, Tea with Madiba.
Your parents live in Melbourne, Australia, so it must be a bit odd coming "home". How have the first couple of days been?
"I had a lot of nostalgia the first couple of days. But nothing has changed in terms of friendships and my big extended family who still live here. I'm just meeting the next generation of Brandts. I wanted to surprise them, so I kept my visit a secret."
Is it a great chance to get some R&R in?
"My visit is a mix of business and pleasure. I'm currently helping with principal production on Tea with Madiba.
What is "Tea with Madiba" about?
"It focuses on introducing the coloured community, my community, to the world, and showing how they feel 20 years into democracy. We talk to people, TV and radio personalities, and it's an opportunity for them to have a platform to voice their thoughts.
"The theme of the film is to unify and to give hope. We're aiming to have it completed in time for the 2014 festival circuit."
We've read tons of articles about life in Hollywood and how the industry treats women, and black women. Give us insight from your experience.
"In America I'm mistaken for being black. I love it that the African-American community identifies with me.
"I went to Hollywood, where to be ethnic is celebrated. Most people, however, don't know I'm South African."
Besides guest appearing on Gabrielle Union's 'Being Mary Jane', and being cast in 'The Lottery', you have a recurring role on VH1's 'Single Ladies' which is produced by Queen Latifah, right?
Yes, I play Naomi Cox, who is a very manipulative and calculated woman. It's been great to delve into something different.