Cocksure doctors give man the unkindest cut

28 July 2014 - 02:00
By ©The Daily Telegraph
File photo.
Image: AFP Relaxnews ©Steve Cukrov/ File photo.

A man in the US has filed a malpractice suit against doctors he says removed his penis without his consent during a circumcision.

Johnny Lee Banks jnr, a 56-year-old from Birmingham, Alabama, went to hospital last month for a routine circumcision only to awaken to find that his penis had been amputated.

According to the Birmingham News, earlier this week Banks filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Princeton Baptist Medical Centre, in which he claims he was not warned the procedure carried a risk that he would lose his penis and did not give his consent for a full or partial amputation if something went wrong.

The doctors who treated Banks have said his claims are false. The attorney representing them said the claims, "have no basis in fact".

As procedures go, circumcision is pretty safe. But this will be of little comfort to Johnny Lee Banks.