Cape Town in the summers of the '60s

20 August 2014 - 02:01
By Staff reporter

'Meester Vee' or Branislav Vasiljkovich, who died 24 years ago, snapped people in the streets and on the beaches of Cape Town. These photographs and his many others were taken from 1959 to 1963.

Vasiljkovich left Belgrade, Serbia, after World War 2. He wasn't a professional photographer but he had a studio on Roeland Street and was influenced by the portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh. He loved café life, conversations, well-cut suits, good food, opera, books, magazines and newspapers.

'Meester Vee' was the nickname that he used to help people who couldn't pronounce his real name.

His daughter, Bobby Graham, recently found a box of his photographs and posted them on flickr.