'Mother' dumps disabled twin girl

27 August 2014 - 02:15
By ©The Daily Telegraph
Image: Gallo Images/Thinkstock

A British surrogate mother of twins, one of whom was born disabled, has said the intended mother rejected the unhealthy child, referring to her as a "dribbling cabbage".

The donor mother, also British, took the healthy boy but refused to accept his twin sister because of her severe muscular condition, congenital myotonic dystrophy, The Sun reported.

The surrogate mother, referred to as "Jenny", had given birth to the twins for a couple in a £12000 agreement and is now raising the separated sister.

Jenny said: "I'll never forget what she said on the phone. I remember her saying to me, 'She's a f****** dribbling cabbage! Who would want to adopt her? No one would want to adopt a disabled child'."

"I was shocked. I could not believe what I was hearing. I hate the couple for what they did," she said.