Smokers, drinkers to cough up #Budget2015

25 February 2015 - 16:05
By Jan-Jan Joubert
Image: 5 second Studio/

South Africans who like to drink and smoke will cough up much more for their vices this year after Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene increased the so-called sin taxes.

  • The tax on a quart of beer goes up by 15 and a half cents;
  • A bottle of wine will cost 15 cents more;
  • A bottle of sparkling wine goes up by 48 cents;
  • Tax on a bottle of whiskey will increase by R3,77 and
  • A pack of 20 cigarettes will cost 82 cents more.

Nene also raised the general fuel levy by a whopping 30,5 cents per litre, and the Road Accident fund by 59 cents.