Salem witch sues warlock over wicked ways

30 October 2015 - 02:15 By ©The Daily Telegraph

A woman who calls herself a witch priestess says she is taking a warlock to court for harassment. Lori Sforza, 75, who runs a witchcraft shop in Salem, in the US, and leads a pagan church in the town, filed for court-ordered protection against harassment from Christian Day, 45, whose website describes him as the "world's best-known warlock".Sforza was accusing Day of repeatedly phoning her late at night from a private number and swearing at her, said her lawyer, Fiore Porreca.Sforza, who goes by the business name Lori Bruno, also alleged that Day posted malicious material about her on social media.Porreca said the harassment had hurt his client's business.On her website, Sforza calls herself a psychic and clairvoyant.She claims to be a descendent of Italian witches who healed victims of the bubonic plague.She is also the founder of Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose, a pagan church in Salem.Salem's Festival of the Dead, which culminates in the Salem Witches' Halloween Ball, on Halloween night, was started by Day in 2003 and includes a witchcraft fair and seances.Salem, home of the notorious 17th century witch trials, has a tourism industry built around the occult that reaches its height in October. ..

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