Kid ends up in hospital after being attacked by swarm of bees

01 November 2015 - 18:49
By Ahmed Areff, News24
Image: Thinkstock

A swarm of bees attacked a group of children in Hermanus on Saturday, with one child initially thought to have fallen or jumped in the sea while running away, the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said.

NSRI Hermanus station commander said his duty crew were activated after police suspected the child, who was with four other children, all believed to be around 7-years-old, fell or jumped in the water at Blowhole.

"Police were on the scene and two of the children were safe and in the care of the police who had dispatched additional police patrol vehicles to confirm if the other children had run home."

He said two other children were found safe at home.

"One child remained unaccounted for and it was feared that he had fallen or he had jumped into the sea."

While the NSRI and police were searching for the boy, it came to light that he was stung by the bees and was rushed to hospital by a member of the public.

The child was not in any medical danger at the hospital and was treated for the bee stings.

Source: News24