Kodwa praises 'cast of' Marikana
ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa outraged the public when he referred to the " cast members" in the Marikana massacre exposé Miners Shot Down. ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa outraged the public when he referred to the " cast members" in the Marikana massacre exposé Miners Shot Down.Rehad Desai's hard-hitting documentary yesterday won an Emmy Award for best documentary feature film.Police shot and killed 44 miners and injured several others in the 2012 tragedy.The massacre has often been compared to the 1960 Sharpeville massacre, especially after reports emerged that many victims were shot in the back.Said Kodwa: "The ANC extends its compliments to all cast members of the documentary for their hard work and determination, which resulted in this achievement."We are looking forward to many more achievements of this nature which, we believe, will positively address our socioeconomic demands."His statement aggravated the Twitterati.TeamKarabo @p233y called on Kodwa to retract the statement.He added: "It won't end well. Which 'cast' is he referring to?VoteEFF2016 @marrakurru wrote: "ANC congratulated cast members of @MinersShotDown. Is that the police butchers, their political bosses or the massacred and injured workers?"Azania Africa @SAYoungLion tweeted: "Now we know why the ANC never took what happened in Marikana seriously. They thought it was a movie."Nchema @ShottaZee stated: "Imagine calling Hector Pieterson a 'cast member' of 1976, and the actions of those [Soweto uprising] pupils and police 'performances'."..
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