Hitler had 'a tiny deformed penis and just one testicle'
It has long been suspected that Hitler's conquest of Europe was an attempt to compensate for a lack of potency elsewhere.Hitler suffered from a condition called hypospadias, which left him with an abnormally small penis, according to historians Jonathan Mayo and Emma Craigie.In their book, Hitler's Last Day: Minute by Minute, they say they have uncovered medical records that confirm the Fuhrer's deformity.The condition is so severe sufferers have to urinate from a hole at the base of the shaft, instead of the tip.A German historian said two months ago he had proof Hitler had one testicle."Hitler is believed to have had two forms of genital abnormality: an undescended testicle and a rare condition called penile hypospadias," Mayo and Craigie wrote.This could explain why Hitler was afraid of being seen naked - and for his fits of rage.In his biography of Hitler, the British historian Ian Kershaw said the Nazi leader was repelled by sexual activity as he feared catching an infection. But he had romantic encounters with several women, including Eva Braun, with whom he committed suicide on April 30 1945.Hitler's doctor, Theodor Morel, prescribed hormones and amphetamines to improve his sex drive. ..
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