Myeni tightens grip on crisis-hit SAA

10 May 2016 - 11:25

South African Airways (SAA) chairwoman Dudu Myeni has reasserted her grip on the airline, last week suspending a top executive with whom she clashed, and telling staff that she will run the airline without further guarantees from the Treasury.

South African Airways plane. File Photo
Image: Business Day South African Airways plane. File Photo

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said last week that SAA would not receive further loan guarantees from the Treasury until a new board and management were in place.

But President Jacob Zuma has refused Mr Gordhan’s suggestions for a new chairman, insisting that Ms Myeni, his close friend, be retained.

On Thursday, Ms Myeni suspended the head of human resources Thuli Mpshe after a previous attempt in February had failed. Ms Mpshe has a reputation among her colleagues for being ethical and determined.

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