Council boss wants his wages cut
The acting municipal manager of Emfuleni, Yunus Chamda, has applied to the council to have the salary for his post cut. This week in parliament Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Des van Rooyen released details of the salaries earned by South Africa's municipal managers.It emerged that Chamda earned the most of all municipal managers, at R2.4-million a year. Chamda said yesterday he had been seconded to the post in May from Sedibeng, where he had been earning R1.4-million a year.The Emfuleni municipality, which serves large parts of the Vaal Triangle, has found itself in financial trouble in recent years, recording a massive budget deficit.Chamda voluntarily approached the remuneration commission last month in a bid to have his salary reduced."The limit to how low I could go was set by the next manager, who reports to me, and that is the COO, who earns R1.8-million," he said. "The council will consider a recommendation for R1.9-million to be my salary while I am there," Chamda said.He said he still believed this amount to be too high, but asked: "Have you ever heard of someone asking for a reduction in salary?"I know Mandela did. I take my cues from leaders such as him, having worked with him."..
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