Rock slams male co-stars
It seems none of the male actors on the upcoming movie Fast 8 was ready for what The Rock was cooking, with the wrestler-turned-actor dubbing them as "candy asses". Taking to Facebook, the 44-year-old, whose real name is Dwayne Johnson, said the experience with his male co-stars genuinely "made his blood boil".According to the Daily Mail, he lauded his female co-stars Charlize Theron, Jordana Brewster and Michelle Rodriguez for being professional and hard-working, but quickly turned the tables on his male counterparts, who include Vin Diesel, Scott Eastwood and Jason Statham."An incredible hard-working crew. My female co-stars are always amazing. My male co-stars, however, are a different story."Some conduct themselves as stand-up men and true professionals, while others don't. The ones that don't are too chickens***t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses," The Daily Mail quoted him as saying."When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I'm not acting and my blood is legit boiling - you're right." ..
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