Science turns yucky grub into yummies
Dieters will be able to have their cake and eat it now that scientists have developed a device that makes low-sugar foods taste sweeter. The invention - dubbed Taste Buddy - carries a low-level electrical current to stimulate taste buds so that the mouth perceives sweet or salty flavours, even when they are not there.It is being developed by scientists at the University of London, led by Adrian Cheok.The device could be engineered to fit within everyday utensils such as cutlery, cups and cans, and the team has begun working on a prototype spoon.Cheok said that, with further development, it could be used to allow people to taste something they enjoy while eating a healthy dish, for example making tofu taste like steak or vegetables like chocolate."What started out as a fun engineering experiment has now led to something much more exciting," said Cheok."The Taste Buddy could help save lives by allowing people to switch to healthier foods. Many children hate vegetables so I knew that, when I became an engineer, I would make a device that would allow children to eat vegetables tasting like chocolate."The invention exploits the chemical reactions in the mouth triggered by eating. ..
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