Jahmil working on spooky film

08 November 2016 - 09:08

It's not his usual type of film but that is exactly why director Jahmil Qubeka is taking on supernatural thriller The White Devil.

The Of Good Report director says he wanted to tackle something that he had no cultural affiliation to, leading him to adapt the novel by Justin Evans over three years.

Qubeka has managed to acquire the services of actor Cameron Monaghan, best-known as Ian Gallagher on the US comedy-drama TV series Shameless , to play the lead of an American high school senior, who hopes to put his past behind him when he is enrolled into a prestigious British boys' academy.

"It is a British film. When you look at it in every single way, it has no connection with me except for the fact that it's a thrilling story," says Qubeka. "I wanted to do something where I am not going to be judged by the colour of my skin.

"But that is why I aimed for that story because you can't tell who the filmmaker is with such genres."

He adds: "I am very excited to be working with Cameron. I find him to be one of the most exciting young men who is coming into this industry...

"I see him as a young Sean Penn of sorts."


The White Devil was commissioned by Hollywood producer Robert L Stein, who owns production rights to the novel. The book and film share a title with a Don Webster play.

In the story a group of young men at a top English school are preparing to perform the play when a 200-year-old ghost makes a haunting appearance.

Qubeka says: "We are done with the script and now we are going through a long process of casting. I am using some local actors but unfortunately it would be in peripheral roles, because the film is supposed to be set in the UK.

"We are going to be shooting it here in different parts of South Africa but it's not essentially set here."

The film will be shot at various locations in Cape Town next year. It is hoped to show in cinemas by 2018.