Lazy men dusted down by infidelity

16 November 2016 - 08:26
By ©The Daily Telegraph

Women are more likely to cheat on men who fail to pull their weight when it comes to household chores, according to a major French study.

A poll of 10,000 female subscribers to top infidelity website Gleedon suggests that the best way to a woman's heart is by doing the dishes and the vacuum cleaning.

About 73% of female members of the site quizzed on the matter claimed they were driven to infidelity because their partner wouldn't clean the toilet and empty the washing machine.

Gleedon launched the wide-ranging poll in an attempt to pinpoint the key reason women were tempted to go astray.

The overwhelming motive was "he didn't play enough of a role in daily household chores", reported French website LeBonbon.

About 86% of respondents said they were deeply frustrated by their men's tendency to avoid housework and 84% admitted to it having caused arguments.

Overburdened women dreamed of forgetting the rubber gloves in another's arms, the poll suggested.

This will be cause for concern for many French men, who are decidedly recalcitrant when it comes to housework.

According to a survey last year by French statistics agency INSEE, which found that women in France still carried out two-thirds of domestic chores, there was some improvement of late.

This tallies with figures released in the UK suggesting that white British males do 31% of the household chores, spending around six hours doing cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing compared with 14 hours for women.

But black British men were far more egalitarian, doing around 40% of the chores.

It is not all one-way traffic, however; a 2014 Ifop poll found that 55% of French men and 32% of French women were unfaithful.